Small Fish Toolbox Tips – Cash Flow and How to Manage It!

The month of July has been Cash Flow Coaching Month with Jon Dale, from Small Fish Business Coaching.

Jon is our vey own business coach, he regularly posts his videos and downloads full of hints and tips to help you grow and scale your business.

He knows that managing cash flow is a boring, but very necessary part of what a business owner has to do! So he devised these 4 short videos to help and we thought they were better all in one place on the website.

So here is Jon’s full series on managing your business cashflow, along with the downloads to go with them!


Cash Flow Episode 1: How To Improve Your Margins –


There is even a free download to help you with this one – Toolbox-Cash-Flow-Action-Plan_worksheet


Next after having better margins, it’s very important to know your numbers too as a way to improve your cash flow.

Let me show you what I mean by this in Episode 2 –


The Toolbox-Cash-Flow-Action-Plan_worksheet  is still relevant for this one too!


Cash Flow Episode 3: Drag Your Money In!

Today’s topic for Cash Flow is a bit exciting and confronting!

We will be talking about how to get paid sooner than never.

And I see this crime that people commit often – it is to do work, raise their invoice, and leave it, and let it dragged out and not get paid and be owed a considerable sum of money.

If that’s what you do, I urge you to stop and try these better solutions instead to keep your money coming in.


And finally, in this series on Cash Flow –

I’ve been making videos about improving your cash flow, has it helped you a bit? I’d like to know, post in the comments below.

Today, I’ll be talking about the 4th way on how to loosen tight cash flow and it is to manage it.

Yes, I’ll share with you how to track money coming and out your business. Plus, I’ve got a free Example Cash Flow Forecast Download for you to use to help you do it.



A lot of people often avoid doing the difficult task of managing cash flow and focus on winning more work instead.

But I think you should be more disciplined about it, hopefully the series will help you with that.

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